Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i should be sleeping

But instead, here I am, wide awake, with just shy of 6 hours until my alarm goes off.
I'm in need of some expert advice on falling asleep when you can't make your mind shut-up methods. It's not that I'm not tired. I am. I keep yawning, and I'm obviously in need of some shut-eye. So what do you do?
I've read (even the most boring thing ever, my assigned readings for Ethics). I've watched 2 episodes of Gossip Girl. I've played solitaire on my phone (three versions, mind you. Chinese, scorpion and spider).
No dice.
Taking Tylenol PM at this point is no good since I need a full 8 hrs to sleep them off or tomorrow will feel like the aftermath of 10 vodka sodas.
By the way, I heart Gossip Girl. The CW has brought a whole new life to my DVR. I'm also shamefully addicted to Farmer Wants a Wife.
The funny part about that show is one of my friends, Karen, is from Portage des Sioux where it was filmed, so it's fun to hear her commentary.

OK, I'm going to play some online poker. If that doesn't do it, I give up.
Good night.


The Aguilars said...

so maybe you should have taken a PMey a few hours earlier....I hate when that happens!

Katie said...

yea, Gossip Girl has hooked me, too. I started watching reruns during the writers strike. Freaking fantastic.