Wednesday, March 25, 2009

mamma and mia

Had a great weekend in Arizona visiting Cucchi, Marco and their little peanut. It was so amazing to realize how much life changes with the addition of a little one. We had a lot of fun catching up, and I enjoyed snuggling with mia and the pugs, who were excellent bed buddies!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

little irish eyes

We were lucky enough to spend our St. Patty's evening with 5 day old Riley. Carie & JP really made a cutie, didn't they?

This week will just be full of little rugrats for me - I'm leaving Friday after work to meet Miss Mia in Arizona. Looking forward to lots of snuggle time and catching up with Cucchi!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the past couple of weeks

Quick recap of the past 2 weeks:

Attended my first bridal much fun! It was actually a joint shower for Carie, Laura and me since our group of friends live so far apart. We had such a great time catching up and laughing. 4 of our KC friends hosted it, and put so much work into pulling off the perfect party. Photos stolen from Christen.

Attended my second bridal shower...again, a great time! This one was hosted by three of my friends from work. The food and conversation was wonderful. More pics to come when I get them uploaded.

I've decided showers are fun. I think dearest fiance likes them too. He gets to spend a Saturday doing whatever he wants, and I come home with presents. What's there not to love?

Work has been excessively busy of late. Our team lost 2 members in the last round of lay-offs, which has been really difficult on both the work and personal front. It's always hard to see people let go, but when you consider them dear friends, it's even harder.

School has been eating up what's left of my free time, but I definitely can't complain. I'm truly happy and grateful for all the good things in my life. Friends, family, a job, a new career and starting a new life with a boy I'm smitten for. What more could I want? :)