Tuesday, January 22, 2008

So it's been awhile

Sometimes you just get a little off track, right?

It's officially 22 days into 2008 and I'm already dreading the rest of the winter. It's just so damn cold!

Things are going along swimmingly so far...

  • I haven't broken my New Year's Resolution (yet) and have lost 5 lbs

  • I am loving my new car

  • My night classes have started so working full time and learning about Chemistry and Nutrition is F-U-N

  • Gramma is off chemo, by choice, and is leading a much happier life these days, so that makes us ALL happier

  • I get to spend time with many missed friends here in a few weeks at Bellm's wedding (yay!)

  • I'm trying to read more (besides class stuff!) and some of my recent favorites are Water For Elephants (thanks, Brie!), Eat Pray Love and The Kite Runner...what will be next?

  • Boyfriend and I went to the movies for the first time in ages recently...saw Juno. Too cute and a GREAT soundtrack

Another resolution of mine is to keep this dang thing updated...so stay tuned!

1 comment:

The Aguilars said...

okay so I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blog (seeing as I have lots of free time at work right now). You got a new car? What did you get? How many nights a week are you taking classes? Congrats on losing 5 pounds. Glad Gramma is feeling better! Love reading all these blogs!