Thursday, December 18, 2008

thursday thoughts

Sometimes there's just nothing on TV. So we ended up landing on the WE Network's "Secret Lives of Women." Good grief. These shows are something else. So the other night's episode had a pain pill addict, an S&M/vampire, an open marriage and a woman married to a man who made her wedding dress, then decided 7 years and 2 kids later to come out of the closet, but still wanted to stay married. Wow.

All that aside, this gal married to the gay man had some crazy nails. I wish I had a picture of them - the regular nail was painted clear with white snowflake designs and the tips were blood red. Happy holidays.

So last night as I'm heading to the nail salon (my one indulgence I still allow myself, mainly b/c I know I'll have to give them up once nursing school starts) I get a text from Adam saying, "red tips and snowflakes?" Careful what you wish for, buddy.

Does anyone else ever get that feeling that the nail ladies are totally talking smack on you the whole time you're in there? I love my nail girl - she's always so sweet with her hugs and "special pricing for good customer," but I just wish for one second I understood Vietnamese so I knew her true thoughts. Here's how I think last night went:

Her: You want eyebrow wax today?
Me: Oh, I suppose I should...
Her: Vietnamese to co-worker (my translation: I would say so, sweetie! Those things are about to grow off your face!)

Her: You look pretty girl, you lose weight?
Me: Thank you, just a few pounds, you know, trying to get ready for the wedding...
Her: Vietnamese to co-worker (my translation: You'd better drop some pounds if you plan to squeeze into a dress, fatty!)

Her: You want design on nail today?
Me: Actually, I think I are you with snowflakes?
Her: Don't know snow-frake
Her: Vietnamese to co-worker (my translation: Who does she think I am? Picasso? Flowers or butterflies, pick one silly American!)
Me: Never mind

Friday, December 12, 2008

on another heavier note

You might remember a post I did back in August about a co-worker of mine who lost her husband.
Last night, her mother was killed in an automobile accident.
Please add Lexi and her daughter, Georgia, as well as the rest of their family to your thoughts and prayers. Lord knows they need them now more than ever.

Monday, December 8, 2008

fruits & veggies

OK, well not really veggies...but fruits anyway!
If you're like me, you probably don't always get your daily intake of fruit as recommended by the USDA. Well, this weekend at Costco I found a new way to get mine. Brothers-All-Natural Fruit Crips are apparently all the rage with moms looking for healthy snacks for their kids. But I'm all about them for myself. The combo pack I bought has apple and pear crisps but their website says they come in all sorts of varieties.

And the best part - one bag equals 1/2 cup of dried fruit, which the USDA recognizes as the equivalent to 1 cup of fresh fruit. Depending on your age and gender, that might just equal your daily dose.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my latest find - enjoy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ate at a little Mexican joint called Mi Ranchito last week. This guy was amid the decor surrounding our table. It's a little blurry but in person the red rocket was very evident.

I'm thinking this could spur some unwanted dinner conversation between parent and child.